Tag: Mexico City

  • I recently saw Spectre. And true to form, it disappointed. Its come to a point that a very good James Bond is as rare as a sighting of Arsenal during the knockout stages of Champions League. Make no mistake, it wasn’t awful by any stretch of the imagination. At the same time, it wasn’t good either.…


  • We humans have a habit of making everything black and white. We like to deal in constants. We like classifying and categorizing people into groups. You are either racist or liberal, either fascist or commie, Islamolover or Islamophobe, feminist or chauvinist, patriot or an Indian Antinational Congressman (ok, this one might actually be true) etc…


  • Most of you lot – at least those of you who have reasonable intelligence and taste – have watched The Shawshank Redemption, right? Well, I know that the Gudduda hasn’t, which kind of validates my point about reasonable intelligence and taste. But if you have, you know the story. SPOILER ALERT – IF YOU HAVEN’T…

